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Theoretical Framework: A Complete Guide to Developing ‘Blueprint’ of your Research Document

Category : Research Paper
Date : November 28, 2019

Theories are vital for research. In a quantitative study, theories aim to provide an answer to the research question. On the other hand, theories in qualitative study play a varied role. That is, it may either lead to the final outcome of the study or may provide a ‘new lenses’ through which they can look at the complex issue in a new perspective, focus on various aspects of data or perform data analysis & interpret the results. While theories draw a connection, theoretical framework defines the purpose of the study and lays a foundation to the research document.

As stated by Eisenhart “ theoretical framework is the structure that guides research by depending on a formal theory that is constructed using the coherent explanation of specific phenomenon and relationships”. Theoretical framework caters as a guide on which the entire study is built. Presented in the initial section of a research document, the theoretical framework offers a rationale to investigate a specific research problem. It provides a structure that defines how epistemologically, philosophically, analytically and methodologically the research document is structured and organised. 

Goals of a theoretical framework

As said earlier, theoretical framework provides a rationale for investigation and demonstrates that the research was not unanticipated. The main goals of theoretical framework are:

  • Defining significant concepts
  • Explaining assumptions and expectations
  • Analysee, choose and combine similar/relevant theories

Developing a theoretical framework

To develop a theoretical framework, a researcher is required to have a deep understanding of the following three aspects.

  1. The problem must establish a connection between two factors resulting in a quandary that cause further investigation. The problem statement defines the central problem and areas that require further research/investigation. 
  2. Purpose describes the aims and outcomes of the problem. 
  3. Significance, as the name suggests, explains the importance of your study and how it contributes to the existing knowledge. 

Steps involved in developing a theoretical framework are:

  1. Choose key concepts – Identify the crucial terms from the research question and problem statement. Since concepts include multiple definitions, you can use a theoretical framework to explain the meaning of each term. For example, ABC institute was facing increased student absenteeism. It aimed at improving student presentism and assumes that fun learning plays a key role in achieving the process. To investigate the issue, research questions, objective and problem statement was defined. ‘How the student presentism can be improved?’ was the research question, ‘including fun learning’ was the objective and ‘increase in student absenteeism’ was the problem statement. Here, fun learning & student presentism are the key focus of the study and the theoretical framework must describe these concepts. 
  2. Define and assess theories – To identify key concepts, conduct a literature review and determine how previous researchers have defined the key concepts and drew connections between them. Further, when working on the framework, compare and analyse the approaches previously used. This is followed by explaining the model that fits best for your study and justifying the reasons behind using the same. In complex research, you can combine theories from various fields and create a unique framework. However, if there exists a well-established theory and you are not using it, justify the reason for the same.  
  3. Describe the significant contributions – After establishing links between the existing theories, the next (final) step is to explain how your research fits in the field of interest. Describe how the theory will be tested and how the results contribute to the existing information. Explain if you have used a specific theory as a basis for understanding and interpreting the data. Demonstrate if your theory would challenge or criticise the existing theories and did you combine theoretical methods to obtain a new approach. 

Why is this framework important?

  • Theoretical framework lets you clarify the implicit theory in a defined and clear manner. 
  • It considers other frameworks and reduces the bias in the data interpretation.
  • It explains to the reader your perspective and context.
  • It includes a coherent and interrelated set of ideas and forms generalisation about observations.
  • It explains the central phenomenon, events or relationships.
  • If required, theoretical framework can be used to develop a hypothesis. 

Theoretical frameworks are of various types. Depending on the type of study, the perspective in which you are approaching the study and the key concept to be conveyed, choose an apt theory and lay a strong foundation for your research document.

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