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How To Choose A Good Research Design

Category : Services
Date : July 15, 2015

Before you can start writing your thesis, you would need to consider a good research design for your course. This will help you get an idea of what you want to research on. You would need to think of a good methodology too so that you can get an edge over the others. The step by step process of elaborating on how you would research is what comprises a research design. Here is how to choose a good research design.

Knowledge of your topic

It is important that you know about your topic and what you are planning to research on when you select your research design. Research never happens when there is a vacuum. You would need to be up to date when you select a research design for your topic. Let us say you are interested in the transition from early childhood schooling to schooling at a higher level. You would need to not only know the field in which your topic sits, but also that you cannot generalize anything.

Knowledge of research methods

Before you could begin, you would need to know about the research process. You have to begin by taking stock of everything and also understand whether you can write a manageable and focused research question. You can learn how to use the different research methods quite easily.

Understand the ethics of research

As a research, you would also need to understand the ethics of research. Since many researchers have the power, it is important that they know how to handle their research ethically. Ethics would begin as well as end with you. You have to be responsible enough to answer your research committee at the institution at which you are enrolled for your higher studies. You have to gain consent from your institute before carrying out any form of research.

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