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NLP PhD Thesis Topics

Natural language processing (NLP), subfield of computer science and information engineering is concerned with interactions with computers and human languages. NLP ventures to bridge the divide between computer and people by enabling a computer to analyze what a user said and process what the user meant.

Natural language interfaces provides support for different communicative functions. NLP

  • Provides definitions of concepts
  • Recognises and corrects user misconceptions
  • Providing explanations
  • Verifies and demonstrates understanding
  • Exploits and enrichs the context of natural language discourse between user and system.

Today number of NLP tasks are widely incorporated in software programs including:

  • Coreference resolution
  • Deep analytics
  • Machine translation
  • Named entity extraction
  • Sentence segmentation and part-of-speech tagging

With the increasing applications and benefits, research in NLP is gaining immense popularity. But choosing NLP PhD thesis topics isn’t an easy task. Scholars should be cautious while choosing a PhD thesis topic. Investing a significant amount of time and energy on topics which has already been researched produces an ordinary result. The consultants at Thesis India offers helping hand to the scholars and provide them with an exceptional and unique PhD thesis topic.

Some of the topics suggested by our experts are:

  • Character assisted Sanskrit named entity recognition using enhanced LSTM based deep neural networks.
  • Regression neural network based entity recognition of multiple languages with the aid natural language processing
  • Text categorization for document retrieval using NLP based neural network and YAGO techniques.
  • Opinion mining based product recommendation using NLP and cluster based machine learning classifier.

The consultants at Thesis India also guides scholars on how to formulate a good research topic. To obtain help with PhD thesis topic, drop a mail at helpforphd@thesisindia.in.

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