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PhD Help in 5G Network Simulation

The Fifth Generation (5G) of mobile communications systems have been proposed and researched globally, and is expected to be launched soon. Several channel models have been proposed that define the wireless channel characteristics of 5G cellular networks and by using the proposed models, network simulators are designed to test the performance of the channel models and the results are used for refining the proposed models.

Though 5G is promising, it is challenging as well. Requirements for 5G Networks:

  • Latency and spectral efficiency
  • Data rates of 10 Megabits per second
  • Thousands of simultaneous connections for Massive WSN
  • 1-10 Gbps connections to end points in the field
  • 10-100x number of connected devices
  • 90% reduction in network energy usage
  • 1000x bandwidth per unit area
  • Channel Models and radio propagation measurements for millimeter wave wireless communication

Simulating 5G network is not an easy task. It requires several tools. Some them are:

  • NS2 Network Simulator [C++ and OTCL based discrete event simulator]
  • NS3 Network Simulator [C++ and Python based Simulator]
  • Opnet [Commercial Simulator- C/C++]
  • MATLAB [Matlab/Simulink]
  • Omnet++ [C++ based Modular simulator]

Research in 5G network simulation is gaining recognition across the globe. Since it is an emerging field, scholars will often face challenges regarding the research topic, network simulation, and network emulator.

The team at Thesis India, consists experienced and skilled consultants who can help scholars with choosing a research topic and and also offer complete PhD help in 5G Network Simulation.

Some unique topics suggested by our experts are

  • Demand mobility management for 5G with the aid of network slicing approach.
  • Resource allocation based on frequency reuse scheme in 5G network for enhancing the user requirement.
  • Access coordination in 5G using massive MIMO interference avoidance approach
  • Optimal Sum rate maximization in Massive MIMO multicell system for 5G with interference management.

We do not provide a research topic which is only unique and authentic but a topic which ignite critical thinking skills to boost. To get your own customised PhD research topic, write to us at helpforphd@thesisindia.in

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