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PhD Help In Feminism

Feminism and gender studies is an interdisciplinary program that investigates on relations of gender and how they are embedded together in the social, political, racial, and cultural formation. The program emphasizes on feminist modes of inquiry, to provide advanced training to the Ph.D. candidates in Feminism and Gender Studies. Ph.D. in Feminism caters to the need of the students to learn and serve the needs of the people in the areas of public policy and human rights.

Ph.D. in Feminism nourishes the intellectual and social transformation of people of society when it comes to the society. However, the course has been a much debatable field since decades within other course realms too. The course is designed to produce large knowledge in the field and solve gender issues pertaining to modern and traditional societies. Some topics suggested by our experts most recently include:

Feminism and gender roles have been a part of literature, social science, and specifically a subject of humanities. The program focuses on the existing boundaries of the male-dominated patriarchal society, and go beyond the conventional notions of comparative studies. Ph.D. in Feminism draws the attention of the readers and scholars to a range of feminist issues and programs across the nation. Unlike other disciplines that have emerged from existing areas of study, Feminism as an area has paved its way in the real-time.

Some  Recent  Topics  Related  To  Feminism  Are:

  • Impact of gender role socialization on the feminine characters in the select novels of Anita Desai and Shashi Deshpande : A Comparative Study
  • A Feminist Dystopia : A study on the non-traditional heroines VS the male protagonists
  • The Magical Women : A study on the relationship between the concept of feminism & magical realism in the novels of Margaret Mahy
  • The Feminist Children’s Literature : Tessa Duder’s Alex Archer oeuvre
  • Hybridity & Cultural displacement in the novels of female postcolonial writers : A study

Researchers at Thesis India, work on providing a suitable topic for your research and helps in working with the research in Feminism on different areas, as literature and social science. Mail us at helpforphd@thesisindia.in to get PhD Help in Feminism.

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