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PhD Help in Public Policy

Ph.D. in Public Policy provides the scholar an advanced graduate training he needs for successful research in the field. The course helps the scholar to conduct research and acquire a position in academia, governmental or nongovernmental organization with possessed knowledge. The field of public policy provides the necessary training to the researcher and help them shape the policies for the public as a researcher and practitioner. The field encourages explicitly the scholars that empower public policy practitioners and make informed decisions to become the leader in the field.

The course of Public Policy combines theories of economics, politics, and management with the advanced methods of analytical and qualitative methods in the core areas of the field. Selecting a research topic is one of the most toiling process in research work and must be given due importance. The researcher can work on topics related to economic, regulatory policies, environmental policies, international economic policies, social or judicial policies, or science and technological policies.

The  Field  Has  A  Huge  Scope  In  The  Specifications  of :

  • Health
  • Law and public
  • Criminal justice
  • Economics
  • Management & leadership

Public Policy field is an interdisciplinary field, combined with the idea to focus on a particular policy area. As much as the discipline of politics and economics are developed in the field, sociology and psychology have an equal scope in the field of policies. The scholars aim to have a positive impact on the society and make the changes for a better community with better policies. Keeping this in mind, some latest topic suggested by our experts are as under:

  • Impact of health policies on quality of care in India : Evaluating disparities and accessibility to healthcare among rural communities
  •  Impact of agricultural debt waiver and debt relief scheme : 2008 on the agriculture loan segment, with special reference to Karnataka
  • Quality of health care services for elderly with dementia : An evaluation of healthcare policies, programs and factors affecting health of older population
  • Evaluating the mediating role of government policies and other factors affecting the operations of Indian auto-component industry : An empirical study
  • A study on policy environment and legal instruments assisting primary health care facilities for effective mass casualty management

The program is open for every scholar who aims to bring an impact on the society with their research on policies for the public. Thesis India has been guiding the scholars in the same field to conduct research benefiting the societal structure and approaches. Drop a mail at helpforphd@thesisindia.in to get PhD help in public policy service.

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