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PhD Projects in MATLAB

MATLAB, a renowned software,is primarily used in the field of engineering for signal processing, numerical data analysis, modeling, programming, simulation, and computer graphic visualization. MATLAB lets you solve technical computing issues, integrates visualisation, programming and computation in an easy-to-use environment. In the last few years, it has become widely accepted as an efficient tool, and therefore, its use has been increased significantly in scientific communities.

Typical Uses of MATLAB includes:

  • Math and computationMath and computation
  • Algorithm developmentAlgorithm development
  • Modeling, simulation, and prototypingModeling, simulation, and prototyping
  • Scientific and engineering graphicsScientific and engineering graphics
  • Application development,Application development, including Graphical User Interface building

Choosing a project in MATLAB isn’t an easy task as MATLAB finds its applications in several domains. Of all the decisions you make as an PhD student, none is more important than identifying the right research area, and in particular, the right research topic. A research topic should have potential to find the actual problem and determine its depth.

Below mentioned topics are few among the PhD topics which deliver news breaking results.

  • Model reference adaptive controller for parameter estimation for motor speed control.
  • Dstatcom placement approach using optimal algorithm for improving power quality.
  • Optimal placement of distributed generators using multiobjective optimization.
  • Distributed generator side converter control using Model reference adaptive controller
  • Classification of obstacles/concealed weapon based on deep neural networks.

We, at Thesis India understand the need for the best PhD topic. Considering your area of interest, our experts will suggest you an interesting, original and unique topics. To get our assistance with PhD projects in MATLAB or in choosing the right MATLAB PhD topic, contact us at helpforphd@thesisindia.in.

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PhD Planner is rated the #1 tool for PhD scholars in India. Its helps PhD scholars plan their research.

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