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PhD Projects in RTOOL

R, a GNU project, similar to S language and environment was developed at Bell Laboratories by John Chambers and colleagues. R is wide used for data analysis, graphic representation purpose, report generation purpose and many more.

It includes

  • An effective data handling and storage facility
  • Operators for calculations on arrays, in particular matrices
  • Large, coherent, integrated collection of intermediate tools for data analysis
  • Inbuilt latex for documentation

Benefits of using ‘R’ include:

  • Is an open source.
  • R provides a wide variety of statistical techniques and graphical capabilities.
  • Provides the possibility to make a reproducible research by embedding script and results in a single file.
  • It is highly extensible and has thousands of well-documented extensions which can be used in fields like financial sector, health care, education etc.
  • It is easy to create R packages for solving particular problems.

Due to the benefits it offers, RTOOL is being used extensively in research area. For conducting in this field, the research topic should be interesting and researchable. While choosing a research topic one should consider these scope of the topic, choose a topic which you are aware of,  narrow down your field and subfield of interest and formulate possible questions. To ease the burden of scholars, Thesis India offers aid with project selection.

Some Of The PhD Projects in RTOOL Suggested By Our Experts Are:

  • Consumer review based hotel management system using machine learning algorithms
  • Prediction of academic courses based on student review using Hadoop Inspired MapReduce
  • Trend analysis based on Twitter data visualizations using the R language with the aid of Hadoop platform

At Thesis India, you can obtain topic of your choice. To get our assistance in choosing the right project in RTOOL, contact us at helpforphd@thesisindia.in.

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