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PhD Projects in WEKA

WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis), a machine learning workbench, is an emerging PhD topic in the research field due to its wide usage. Weka contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization.

Advantages of WEKA include:

  • Freely available under the GNU General Public License.
  • It is fully implemented in the Java programming language and thus runs on almost any modern computing platform.
  • Consists a comprehensive collection of data preprocessing and modeling techniques.
  • Easy to use due to its graphical user interfaces.

Due to its increasing usage in various domains, WEKA has gained immense popularity within a short period of time. By default, WEKA uses Attribute Relation File Format for data analysis. Some of the other formats that Weka supports are CSV, ARFF and database using ODBC.

To conduct a successful research, choosing a right and interesting topic is must. While selecting a topic, scholar needs to check for all the aspects such background details regarding the topic, identify the gap and find the ways to fill the gap. But choosing a right PhD topic is a challenging task. Hence it is advisable to acquire expert aid in choosing the best PhD topic.

Some of The Topics Suggested By Our Experts Are

  • Consumer review based hotel management system using machine learning algorithms
  • Prediction of academic courses based on student review using Hadoop Inspired MapReduce
  • Trend analysis based on Twitter data visualizations using the R language with the aid of Hadoop platform

Our experts can prepare a unique topic for you. Just share your area of interest and project details with our experts. The customised research topic prepared by us is well-researched and is authentic.

To get topics for your PhD projects in WEKA, contact us at helpforphd@thesisindia.in

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