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PhD – Thesis: How to get started?

Category : PhD Thesis
Date : June 21, 2013

Writing a thesis is a long, lengthy and difficult process because it is really a long lengthy and difficult task.  Here you will find a step-by-step guide and practical advice of getting organized and putting your first stepping stone towards writing your first thesis.  Thesis, as you know it’s a document that you need to submit for candidature for a research, findings and most important for academic degrees like  B. Tech, M Tech and other bachelor’s or master’s degree.

So lets get started on your first thesis.

  1. The plan
  2. The arrangement
  3. A schedule
  4. Submission
  1. The plan : The plan is the most important and vital process in thesis writing. The plan will provide you a definite path or outline in the whole process. Write down your research, headings, sub headings, notes and comments. Make a list of the chapters and so its contents and sub headings. This will help you to structure in your thesis writing. So now we have a plan to begin your first thesis.
  2.  The arrangement: Now it’s time to put down the details. Use a Text Editor or word processor. Using a Word Processor is very beneficial in taking backup and copy them when you need them. Here you can put your formulas, findings etc., in Heading and sub heading wise. Make cross-reference between topics. You can also pen down your research in paper but then you should make multiple copies for archiving and submission.
  3.  A schedule : It’s very important to have a timetable.  It will help you guide through the whole process and you will be able to submit your thesis in a stipulated period of time.  List out the dates for milestones, first draft, and second draft. Now if you always have attention to the dates for important events and submission dates in front of you, at the very outset.
  4.  Submission : Submission requires all your data to be well-organized and spell checked. You may require submitting the draft copies of the thesis. You would like to get suggestions and advice from your advisor.  Your thesis writing will certainly improve upon your first and second draft. Submit your final draft copy.

Thesis writing is a lengthy process but, it is very important for research submissions.  There are very few websites, which can help you to accomplish in thesis writing. Thesis India is one of the websites where you can get ample resources which will help you in writing your first thesis.

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