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PhD Topic Help in VANET

As the name suggests, Vehicular Adhoc Network consists of a network of vehicles, that can communicate among themselves for different reasons. VANET communications are vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to infrastructure, vehicle to cellular, or vehicle to the road. VANETs support a wide range of applications from simple one hop to multi-hop transmission of data. Vehicular Adhoc Network provides Intelligent Transportation System in wireless communication, used to move nodes in a network to create a mobile network, since VANET is a subdivision of MANET.

VANET is the most popular research field among scholars because of the multiple and benefiting research topics in the field. The network has a high computational ability, rapid changing network topology, and predictable mobility. Topics around testing these is a preferred study. While the network size is unbound and the application models are designed to interact with the infrastructure, vehicle, and the road to monitor the traffic. OLA and UBER are the prime examples of VANET networks.

Prime  Research  Areas  In  VANET Are:

  • Location safetyLocation safety.
  • Emergency buttonEmergency button.
  • Message dissemination issueMessage dissemination issue.
  • Infrastructure usageInfrastructure usage.

Some Latest PhD Topics on VANET as as under:

  • An efficient security enabled routing protocol for data transmission in VANET using optimal key selection approach.
  • Advanced privacy preserving authentication based data transmission protocol in VANET.
  • Machine learning based novel protocol in VANET with privacy preserved optimal group key management techniques.
  • A novel protocol in IoT enabled VANET with privacy preserved optimal group key management techniques with encryption technique.
  • Secured transmission of location, traffic data in VANET using enhanced crytography and clustering approach.

The proficient researchers at Thesis India aim to improve the quality of the research of naive researchers and equip them with sufficient knowledge to learn and use it in their research. Leave us a mail at helpforphd@thesisindia.in for further details in the field. However, our professional academic writers know how vital the traffic flow models, signal and rules, vehicular speed, and many more vehicular topics need improvement and well-furnished research is what is required to improve the current quality.

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