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PhD Topics in Accounting

Accounting as everyone knows deals with the learning of revenues, taxes, expenses, assets, liabilities, and incomes. PhD in accounting culminates a student to learn and research more in the world of numbers. PhD in Accounting is generally for the people who are interested in research association or academic institution. The students who are specialised in financial consultation or administrative finance work can conduct a PhD research and benefit in their field.

Selecting refreshing and unique PhD topics in accounting is important given the old and retiring character of accounts departments across country. The accounts world needs new, young and forward looking inventions and interferences from the youth.

A  Few  Foundational  Courses  For  The  Scholars  In The  Field  Are :

  • Research Methods
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Econometrics
  • Behavioural Accounting Research
  • Financial Reporting

The  Broad  Areas  Our  Researchers  Covering  In  The  Field  Of  Accounting are :

  • BankingBanking
  • InsuranceInsurance
  • ReinsuranceReinsurance
  • financeDevelopment of innovative products in the field of finance
  • Management of financialManagement of financial, operations, and risks on business

On  These  Lines, The  Most  Recent  Topics  Suggested  By  Our  Team Of  Experts  Are  As  Under:

  • A study to identify the most viable teaching techniques in accounting used across universities in Delhi: A comparison between IP university and University of Delhi colleges
  • Impact of organisational culture on the procedures and techniques of accounting: A study among corporate offices in Bangalore
  • A study  to identify and evaluate the issues in Corporate governance practices among IT firms in Mumbai
  • A comparative study on perceptions about ethics in tax evasion: IT companies versus MNCs in Gurgaon, India

Researchers at Thesis India works with efficiency to help the PhD scholars in accounting and achieve the aim of bringing change in the academic history of the subject. The researchers will benefit the academic strata in the field with the research they have conducted and take the help of our experts by leaving a mail at helpforphd@thesisindia.in.

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PhD Planner is rated the #1 tool for PhD scholars in India. Its helps PhD scholars plan their research.

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