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PhD Topics in Covid related research

Everyone around the world knows that the Coronavirus Diseases is an infectious disease and can be spread by coming into the close proximity of the infected person or touching an infected surface. Many scientific researches have been going around the world and doses have been developed which can reduce the transmission of this virus upto half. However, still a cure for this virus hasn’t been found.

Many Universities have initiated PhD research projects on researching SARS CO-V2, the coronavirus which is the reason behind the development of COVID-19 novel coronavirus. These researches have been initiated in order to have more information and more minds researching about the virus to find a better solution. Thesis India has also been covering the details and updates about the virus and are aware of what topics are best suited for your research work.

  • A study on ACE-Inhibitors/Angiotensin Receptor Blocker. What’s the ratio of death for COVID-19 infected people?
  • Studying the Dynamic Suppression Intervention, it’s frequency and dynamics to control the COVID-19 pandemic with a multicountry comparison
  • Impact on Psychosocial and Mental Health due to the COVID-19: The changes one can make in Self-Isolation measures
  • Using PAN-Genome Graph Algorithms and Data Integration to study the new strains of virus and comparing their genomes
  • Studying the ecology and evolution of COVID-19 and how is it affecting the health?

Thesis India has experts who provide you with topic suggestions and PhD research assistance based on the on-going trend while keeping it unique and impactful at the same time. A lot of research is going on to know more about the virus and to control the worsening situations and a meaningful insight in the situation can provide you a really good start at your research career with Thesis India.

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