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PhD Topics in Leadership

The topic of Leadership can bridge over so many other disciplines like Management, Sociology, Politics and Psychology. This allows the PhD scholars to expand their research area and choose a topic which best reflects their interests. Due to this, Leadership has become one of the best choices for writing the PhD Thesis and Research. It is not just the flexibility part of this topic that many scholars decide to do research on but also, because this is an engaging topic that carries many theoretical and true to life applications.

However, there are different styles of Leadership and many scholars like to stick to these styles in their research work separately. It makes them easier to expand the research area further while also limiting it to a particular sphere. Our experts at Thesis India take in all the considerations and ideas put forward by the candidates and we come up with customized topic suggestions.

Few of the topics are given below:

  • Transformational, Transactional or Authoritarian; Which style of Leadership suits the ENTJ personality type? How does the personality type affect the leadership style?
  • How true is the sentence, “Leaders are born, not made”? Using a case-study perspective.
  • How effectively a Psychometric approach can select Leaders? Does it help in establishing Ethical Conduct?
  • Why is management a crucial aspect in Leadership? Discuss in relation to Transformational Leadership Style.
  • What style of leadership is suitable for Globalization? Is there a need for a new style of Leadership?

Thesis India understands the variety of elements that can be added into the topic to fixate on the requirements of the candidate. Our experts come up with ideas and suggestions that fall close to the discussion they have with the candidates in order to provide them with the maximum support. We know that others cannot take your decisions for yourself, but we can provide you with the utmost support to make it easier.

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