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PhD Topics in Wordnet

Wordnet is an interesting domain to explore with a lexical database of English. It contains verbs, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives grouped into synonyms. While many techniques are available to relate those synonyms, it is used in computational linguistics and natural language processing. Today global wordnet association is working on connecting all the world languages as a linguistic database. This necessitates extensive research work addressing the topic coherently.

Ph.D. in Wordnet helps in studying the newly developed languages and its words. The field has scope for growth in linguistic approach and verbal expression, for the researchers to use and have extensive usage of the terms.

The Area Explores Issues In :

  • Semantic networkSemantic network
  • Web InterfaceWeb Interface
  • Audio or video retrievalAudio or video retrieval
  • Natural language search engine interfaceNatural language search engine interface
  • Language teachingLanguage teaching and translation application

Some Recent PhD Topics in Wordnet As Suggested By Our Experts Are As Follows:

  • Improving selection of word sense elucidation from Word Net for area specific applications.
  • Framework for building WordNet struture for linguistics similarity.
  • WordNet and Word Embedding toward more realistic service composition.
  • Utilization of WordNet by extracting word sense disambiguation.
  • Edge Counting and information content theory over multilingal WordNet and bilingual embeddings.

Thesis India conducts seminars for scholars to know about the research process in the field of Wordnet and write their thesis. Our professionals intend to create high-end quality research work and solutions for the scholars and researchers. Researchers use various tools and software like Java, R, Ruby, Python, etc. for the development in the academic field. Drop a mail at helpforphd@thesisindia.in for more information.

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