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PhD Topics in English Literature

PhD in English Literature is the ultimate opportunity for the students to train themselves and get equipped with research skills to become potential researchers. The criterion for obtaining the degree is that their thesis must represent a real contribution to the existing knowledge by conducting a significant research. The discipline supports students to develop research projects in their choice of period, author, or book of English Literature. The research can be conducted on Medieval, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romantic, or the 19th and 20th centuries along with its literary critical analysis. It may involve interdisciplinary projects across the School of literature, languages, and cultures.

The key to successful research lies in asking a valid and valuable research topic which can sufficiently explore the particular area. To come up with a viable topic, intellectual preoccupation, curiosity and exploration like reading, thinking, discussing makes up the preliminary research. We, at Thesis India, have formed a team of research consultants to help you do the same. Our research experts are specialized in English Literature and helped over 3400 students in generating well-defined PhD research topics. They have provided PhD topics in English Literature to exemplify the quality of our topic selection service.

Sample PhD topics in English Literature:

  • The role of African literary responses to Racism: an examination of the works of Maya Angelou
  • Exclusion and Silence: variables in the post 9/11 South Asian fiction
  • Illustrations of masculinity: A comparative study between pre-independence and post-independence Indian novels
  • Talking points: Surrealism in Arun Kolatkar’s poetry
  • Between tradition and modernity: Through the lens of Tagore’s Gora

As our experts believe, exploration and evaluation can be done by looking at specialized as well as general information to obtain a more focused research topic. We can help you brief the plenty of information and formulate a succinct research topic in English Literature. You can request us a PhD topic by writing in to us at helpforphd@thesisindia.in.

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PhD Planner is rated the #1 tool for PhD scholars in India. Its helps PhD scholars plan their research.

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