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Thesis Proofreading: Do-it-yourself or Hiring an Editor

Date : December 21, 2021

Have you completed your thesis? If yes, It’s time to proofread, but the thought of proofread thesis is terrific. Proofread means go through a document carefully and finding errors such as spelling mistakes, grammatical, punctuation, typographical, spelling and style errors. This is a very important stage that you can’t wriggle out of it anyhow. Well, you can proofread either yourself or by hiring a professional PhD Thesis editor. This article can help you decide which option is best for you. 

Why to Hire a Professional Editor?

Professional Editor

Fresh mind use

Thesis completion can’t happen in blink of an eye. You might have taken several years to finish your project. This is quite stressful and jaded. A professional editor will edit your research work with fresh mind. They can quickly catch errors that you might miss just because of boredom. 

It saves time

You’ll already be bored of completing a thesis, but without proofread you can’t turn in it to your research board. When you do it yourself you might ignore some mistakes that could affect the approval rate. So in that case hiring an editor is the best option. 

Language Enhancement

Hiring an editor means hiring an editing talent. Editors have the complete knack of language. They know even minor grammatical and sentence-structure issues that you might not catch. It helps improve your writing style by not only fixing errors but by shaping sentences perfectly. 

No career impedance

PhD is usually done for achieving career goals. The sooner you complete your project, the sooner you achieve your objectives. Having thesis for revision means putting off submission and promotion. Delays in final acceptance cause frustration that sometimes is an enough reason to give up the path towards the goals. 


Extensive research saps you and further editing work can overwrought you. In a stressful situation you’ll not be able to concentrate on it; rather it’ll take a toll on your entire project. Therefore consulting an editor is a better idea.

Why to Opt for Do-it-yourself

Undoubtedly, professional editors can help you in editing your thesis, but that doesn’t criticize do-it-yourself. Here are the reasons to choose this option.

Can’t afford a professional editor

Though editors improvise your thesis by rectifying errors, they charge lots of money. What if you have a tight budget? You would surely like to set aside some money. 

Good editing skills

Why to shell out money on hiring editing services if you have great editing skills. No one can be a better editor than yourself. If you’re pretty confident about your grammar, style, punctuation, collocations, and other linguistic rules, proofread the entire thesis yourself.

You’ve enough time

Most people hire professional editors if they run out of time. Do-it-yourself is the best approach if you have enough time to consider your document carefully. 

Relaxed mind

If you’re able to calm yourself and not jaded unlike most PhD scholars due to writing tedious thesis, choose the do-it-yourself technique. 

If you don’t want your style being changed

Most time professional editors change a sentence structure not because of errors but due to introduce their own writing style. If you don’t like it, you should edit thesis yourself. However, editores always focus on grammar, but they’re usually not aware of your academic background. This might affect your research work. 

Now you can find out easily which option best suits you. All the best for your editing!

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